It can be difficult to deal with a teenage son or daughter who feels entitled. Their attitude can be terrible, especially when all they are doing is demanding without any thought of the fact life won’t always give them what they want.
Whilst you may have done the right thing when they were a child, making sure they had good manners and the like, sometimes we are just left with a teenager who feels like they are entitled to everything.
If your teen is starting to become ungrateful, don’t worry, it isn’t too late to reverse it! In this article we shall take a look at what the signs are of an entitled teenager, as well as how to sort the problem out.
Let’s go!
What Is An Entitled Teenager?
It isn’t uncommon for a teenager to feel entitled, and maybe even more so nowadays.
Whilst a few decades ago, if a child wanted something they had to earn it, these days, a teenager wants everything quickly and now – without an honest day’s work of doing the dishes and anything else helpful around the home.
Whilst that is rather old fashioned, it doesn’t mean that teenagers today should get everything they want. This is because a lot of teenagers do not understand the value of different ways to get something.
It goes something like this: they have to know what is a gift, what has been earned, and what they actually deserve.
Most entitled teens struggle with helping others, and have unusually high demands when it comes to themselves. However, they can never actually accept any wrongdoing and responsibility of why they might not deserve something.
This is because they think they have an entitlement compared to others, which can blur realistic thoughts on what they actually deserve.
What Are The Most Common Signs Of A Teenager Who Feels Entitlement?
If you think that you are dealing with a teenager who is entitled, then you might want to read this list. If you can relate to a few, then it is likely it’s true!
They struggle with the word ‘no’ which makes you give in and say ‘yes’.
They want everything they see in the store, and you usually buy it too.
They are never thankful, and instead show a feeling that what they are given they have been owed instead. A teenager who is ungrateful can be a sure sign that they are entitled.
They say it isn’t fair if you don’t let them do something, and often compare their own life to that of their friends.
And lastly, they don’t do anything. That means they refuse to clean their own room and they won’t help out around the house when times become busy.
Whilst some of these are typical teenage behaviors, it is generally important that they grow up and move on from these kinds of attitudes.
Is There A Way To Deal With A Teenager Who Feels Entitled?
Just like we stated before, it isn’t uncommon for a teenager to show signs of entitled behavior. In fact, it is quite normal for them to have a’me only’ attitude.
However, if you are concerned, you may want to find out if there are any reasons for the way your teenager is acting.
You might find that there is something making them act the way that they are, especially if they have a bad attitude as well.
For example, social media use is rising and perhaps they have begun to compare their own looks to the highly edited ones on an app?
A lot of teenagers feel like their own worth is in how they look. This can make things that aren’t worth caring about the center of their universe, and it may mean that they want those expensive trainers because they need them to look fashionable.
When this happens, they are purely looking for ways to invest in their appearance, and they feel like they need it or else. If they aren’t able to get these things, then they might start to show signs of an attitude and entitlement.
However, during their teenage years, it is very important for them to show compassion to others, and learn how to not only show empathy, but how to think about other people.
So, how can you help? Here are some ideas:
Comparison Can Cause An Attitude
One of the things you should certainly avoid doing is comparison. If you compare yourself or your teenager to others, it can have a downward spiraling effect which could even lead to a mental health disorder.
This is because once you start comparing how you look, then it can be a lifelong affair – unless it is tackled head on early.
A good way would be to limit your teen’s social media usage, but that is going to be difficult! Instead, having a positive attitude about the body, and enforcing the fact that our self worth isn’t in how we look is a great start (see also: How Do You Help Your Teenager Find Themselves?).
Also that images online, and in the media generally, are edited – whether by airbrushed or the way it is taken.
Empowerment Is Powerful
If your teenager doesn’t realize that in order to get things it takes effort, then they need to learn it. One of these ways is to make them start doing things for themselves.
As they get older, you shouldn’t be cleaning their bedroom or making them lunch. Whilst it is okay to do it rarely, they will appreciate the effort you go through more if you make them do it.
They Need To Learn About Gratitude
It is also really important that they learn about gratitude. This is about appreciating what they already have in life, whether their life or material possessions, and understanding what a gift is and the kindness from the other person.
Final Thoughts
Having an entitled teenager can be seen as a normality, but it is worth nipping it in the bud early on so your teenager doesn’t stay entitled for years to come!
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